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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Well Clinic poised to become the first worker-owned cooperative mental health company in the US

Well Clinic, an integrative psychotherapy and psychiatry company, is turning the tide on corporate greed by converting from private ownership to the nation’s first worker-owned mental health cooperative...

According to Maya Johansson, CEO, Owner, and Co-Founder of Well Clinic, “we can no longer ignore the impact of our broken economy on our individual and collective mental health. It is unethical for anyone to grow rich off of the suffering of others and the current mental health system is deeply flawed. We believe clinicians, the actual experts in the field, should have ownership over the practice of psychotherapy: not a third-party owner. This will ensure greater quality of care, more affordable services, and the ability to create wealth for workers instead of corporate owners.”

Read the rest at AP News

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