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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Solar co-ops launch throughout Northland

In August, Holst had a nine-panel, 3.3 kilowatt system installed on his roof. Now, instead of paying $40-50 per month for electricity, Holst actually made $13 in September because the panels produce more power than he and his family used and the excess electricity is returned to the grid.

That's the point, said Bobby King, Minnesota’s state director for Solar United Neighbors, the nonprofit that’s organized solar co-ops in 12 states, including 13 co-ops throughout Minnesota. The organization is actively recruiting for new co-ops in Duluth, the Arrowhead and Iron Range regions.

“Through the co-op, people are able to use their purchasing power to get a better price from a solar installer,” King said.

Read the rest at Duluth News Tribune


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