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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy

Sociocracy in Schools Conference, Jan. 15

Imagine a world where consent decision-making is a part of the school curriculum. Imagine a world where students have a voice in the governance of their school, a world where children and youth are empowered to decide collaboratively on issues that are important to them.

That world exists, today, in schools and youth organizations that use sociocracy. Sociocracy in schools allows students, teachers, parents, and administration to all be heard in decisions about topics such as the class schedule, shared finances, the rules of the school, the school environment, and pedagogy.

We will have speakers on topics ranging from nuts and bolts of the selection process and conflict resolution, to stories about youth activism, and many case studies with real-life examples of sociocracy in schools and with youth of all ages. You will hear from alumni, school leaders, consultants, and advocates.

Learn more by joining us for the first ever sociocracy in schools conference!

Find out more and register at Sociocracy for All



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