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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


The Job Guarantee and the Solidarity Economy

GEO Collective

CoopCycle in Argentina

Denise Kasparian

Organizing for Food Justice in a Texas Food Desert

Kevin Richardson

Wings Co-op: Courier-Owned Delivery

Iwan Doherty

Disrupting the Gig Economy with Cooperation

Novara Media
black & brown

Coming Home to Casa di Alice

The Evolution of the Tool Library

Tom Llewellyn

How Young Farmers Are Using Cooperatives to Build Successful Farms

Democracy at Work Institute
National Young Farmers Coalition

Involve Everyone in Production

Arzu Demir

Here's to Community!

6 Steps to Economic Revolution

Gar Alperovitz

Canning for Change


Pittsburgh Resilience & Relocalization Lessons

Pamela Boyce Simms

Big Money Sets Its Sites on Coworking

Cat Johnson

Reclaiming Public Revenues

Gianpaolo Baiocchi
Len Krimerman

Radical Democracy

Carlos Delclós

DC Solidarity Economy Summit

Ajowa Nzinga Ifateyo

Video: SELC's Vision of a Cooperative Future

The Sustainable Economies Law Center